April 23, 2010


3.1 Algebraic Terms in Two or More Unknowns

1. 5ab is an algebraic a and b are unknowns. Thus, 5ab is an algebraic term in the unknowns.

2. An algebraic term in two or more unknowns is the product of the unknowns and a number.

Example: 5ab=5 x a x b

Example 1:

Write 1/3 x x x y x y x z as an algebraic term.


1/3 x le:italic;">x x y x y = 1/3xy^2z

3. y^n means y is multiplied by itself n times.

a) y^4=y x y x y x y
b) 7a^2b^3=7 x a x a x b x b x b

4. the coefficient of an unknown in an algebraic term refers to all the other factors of the term.

Example: In 5ab,
The coefficient of b is 5a,
the coefficient of a is 5b and the
coefficient of ab is 5.

5. The algebraic terms are said to be like terms if their unknowns are the same.
6. The algebraic terms are said to be unlike terms if their unknowns are different.

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